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Aby spent the majority of her life living outside and then one day her owner decided to take her to a shelter. She is estimated to be about 6-8 years old. Unfortunately, Aby tested positive for heartworm, which is a usually a death sentence for a dog at the shelter. Luckily for her one of her neighbors works at the shelter and took a special interest in keeping her safe.
I happened to be driving by the shelter on my way to a home visit for another dog and I couldn't just drive by without going in. I asked which dog needed us the most and they showed me Aby. She was in the last kennel at the end of the hallway and the fan didn't reach her very well. Given that she recently had heartworm treatment, I had to get her out of there so she could recover comfortably.
Update 8/15/07: Our sweet Aby girl hasn't been feeling well. We took her to the vet and found out that she is in Kidney Failure. Tests are being done to determine if it can be treated or not. We will post more as soon as we have more information.
Update 8/29/07: Aby is now on 2 antibiotics and special food. We will do more tests in about 2 weeks. If we do not see improvements by then we may not be able to bring her out of kidney failure.
Please consider adopting this sweet girl so that she can finally have the family that she deserves.
Update 9/11/07: Unfortunately, the antibiotics have not improved Aby's condition at all. Our course of action is now to make sure she is comfortable and give her all the love that she deserves.
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