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Last Updated:
2/3/2014 6:50 PM


Doc's Web Page

Chocolate Labrador Retriever  : :  Male  : :  Adult  : :  Large

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About Doc

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Housetrained: Yes
Visit our official rescue site at abuddyforlife.org

We were contacted by the rescue coordinator we work with at Vincennes Pet Port in Indiana about a sweet choc boy, Doc, who was skin and bones because his owners kept him outside and did not take care of him. The neighbors were giving him food to keep him alive. Finally they were able to get him away from his owners and into the hands of the rescue coordinator. She did not want this boy going to the shelter so she took him into her home and contacted us to see if we could help him. Doc is estimated to be about 8 years old. Doc had to go through heartworm treatment before coming to us. He has been through so much in his life and really deserves to find his forever home.

Update March 15, 2008: Doc arrived to day and what a WONDERFUL boy he is! He is adapting very well to his new surroundings and is very gentle. He's getting LOTS of hugs and lovin'. He just loves to be petted and talked to. He's been fine around the cats - actually is kind of timid and shy around them. And boy what a squeaky toy lover he is!!! He does like to chew, so have plenty of chew toys ready! There's lots of puppy left in this boy! Won't you please give him the forever home he deserves? He'll make a great companion.

Other Pictures of Doc (click to see larger version):

Doc Doc

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